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Ways to Self-Care

How do you do self--care? Read here below how you can make the best out of your recovery.

Reading a Book
Running Shoes
Under the Duvet
Green Typewriter
Kundalini Yoga Outside

Ways to Self-Care

1. Drink water first thing in the morning. Drinking a glass of water in the morning could increase your energy levels because when we're sleeping, we're not drinking any water and when we wake up, we feel that we are mildly dehydrated. Dehydration can make our fatigue levels go up.


2. Meditate every day. Meditation brings peace and calms to your mind and body. It can improve your overall mood throughout the day. 


3. Move your body. Build a routine that will help your body to keep moving. It could be taking a walk around the block, working out, playing with your pets or kids, or simply cleaning the space around you. Do not force yourself to do big movements right away when you are just beginning. Build a small habit and gradually add more routines as your body copes up.


4. Sleep properly. Sleep deprivation could have serious long-term effects on your mind and body. The average sleep that an adult should have is seven or more hours and an adolescent should have 8 to 10 hours.


5. Do something creative. Do something creative like coloring, painting, doodling, or even building a Lego! Creativity boosts your overall mood. 


6. Clean the surface around you. Your home and work environment can influence your mood. Tidy the space around you to get a clearer visual. 


7. Make a schedule and do it regularly. Others may feel guilty sometimes doing self-care, it is better to build a schedule and insert it into your daily routine. We have made some schedule templates for you. You can choose what fits you best.


8. Journal your thoughts. Writing your thoughts will help you focus your mind on one thing and free your mind from the things that bother you. We have made different types of journal templates. Choose what's best for you.


9. Get outside for 15 minutes. Nature or the outside environment can help you generate positive emotions such as calm, joy, and creativity.


10. Feel-good pampering. You deserve a massage, manicure/pedicure, or long hot bath.


11. Social media detox. It is not a secret that we spend most of our time on social media, looking at other people's lives. Stepping away from it every once in a while can help eliminate the stressors. It can also develop our sense of contentment.


12. Get help from a professional. Do not hesitate to speak to a professional because they can help you come up with solutions to your problems and understand more about what you are going through. You can make an appointment with our counselors.


13. Slow down and take a break.

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